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Candidate Tips


Job Boards

Sign up to all the major job boards, upload your CV and search regularly. You can set up job alerts so that any suitable roles will be emailed on a regular basis, ensuring you don’t miss the perfect opportunity.


Speak to local recruitment agencies, such as Powwow. We are here to help you with your job hunt, advise on your CV and cover letters and can ensure you are in front of your target companies when opportunities arise.

Target Companies

Decide the type of company that you want to work with and never be scared to approach direct. Speak to Powwow about these companies and we can always assist by speaking to department managers on your behalf.

Target Roles

Know the type of job you are looking for. Ensure you have the minimum skill set required for a position. If unsure call the recruiter and ask, they may advise on how to obtain the right skill set. Generally people are happy to help those who want to learn


Be aware of your skill set. An in depth of a specific computer system may be what separates you from the competition so mention it. Be proud of what you can do and what you have achieved.


Relevant Experience

Recruiters don’t need to know part time jobs you held at college, up to 5 of the most relevant recent positions, listed in reverse chronological order. Add details of each of these jobs, main duties, extra qualifications, key achievements. List any other experience to fill in gaps in work history but do not go into detail on each role if you have had more than 5.

Tailor your CV

Ensure your CV is relevant to the job you are applying for. Focus on the specific experience you have had which will support your application. Refer to the job description to match wording.

Simple and clear

Ensure your CV is clear and formatted as simple as possible. Limit the CV to 2 pages long, do not “pad” or waffle. You need to interest the recruiter so keep the content relevant.



Prior to the interview do your research on the company, the job role and make a list of questions for after the interview. If you have been asked to prepare or bring anything then take this in a smart folder. Check out the location on a map and if you have time check the location for accessibility and parking if applicable.


Always ask for the dress code. In most cases this will be full business suit i.e. suit, collar, smart shoes etc. In some instances the interview may involve some practical testing or a job trial. If this is the case make sure any relevant PPE is taken.

Body language

Always remain engaged with the interviewer. Maintain eye contact, sit up straight and nod or reply to anything said or asked. If you do not understand a question then ask. Remember you are selling yourself, believe in everything you say.

Don’t sell yourself short!

Know your worth before the interview, if it comes to negotiations during the interview stage or after and the offer is not what was expected or mentioned beforehand don’t be scared of questioning this. Back your negotiation up with facts, and sell yourself and the value you will add to the company.
